
I'm Lena Connolly—an artist, river guide, farmer, coffee fiend, bread maker, hat wearer, and long walk lover. I’m originally from Burlington, Vermont but am currently based in Missoula, Montana. As the seasons shift, I assume the role of a river guide, navigating the currents of Idaho's beautiful Salmon and Snake Rivers.

For as long as I can remember, art has been a constant companion, growing and evolving alongside me. My academic journey led me to attain a degree in Environmental Studies and Studio Art from the University of Vermont. Here, I delved into many artistic mediums, primarily exploring how art can transcend conventional communication.

To me, art is the language that surpasses words—a profound means of unraveling the complex systems that mold our world. Whether it's the dance between humanity and landscapes, the symphony of organisms, or the boundless realms of imagination, I aspire to encapsulate the exquisite beauty dwelling within these connections.

While my current focus is creating whimsical and functional ceramics for everyday use. My artistic pursuits span from clay to canvas to the digital realm. Among the treasures of my creative toolkit, watercolors, oil pastels, and the world of ceramics surface design stand out. My forte lies in my proficiency across numerous mediums, a facet that lends my portfolio a rich tapestry of diversity.

I am always open to commissions and collaborative work! If there is a creative project you feel excited about exploring with me, drop me an email at eleanor.b.connolly@gmail.com

I hope you enjoy exploring my art. Your visit is truly appreciated!